Este café se fermenta anaeróbicamente, lo que le da ese sabor afrutado que recuerda a un café procesado naturalmente. Para Mike, este café sabe a postre. El café fue adquirido por Shared Source, un importador orientado a la transparencia con el que Junior's está colaborando en un proyecto de transparencia de precios llamado Proyecto Cubierto de Costos de Producción. Por último, este café es bastante denso. Es probable que esta receta también funcione con cafés densos y de baja humedad del este de África.
Brewing a Colombian washed anaerobic coffee with Junior Roasted
Conical Filter, Origami
Prep Time
2:45-3 minutes
This coffee is anaerobically fermented, which gives it this fruit forward flavor, reminiscent of a naturally processed coffee. To Mike, this coffee tastes like a dessert. The coffee was sourced by Shared Source, a transparency oriented importer Junior’s is collaborating with on a price transparency project called the Cost of Production Covered Project. Lastly, this coffee is quite dense. This recipe will likely work on dense, low moisture East African coffees as well.
Ratio: 1:16.67 (15g coffee: 250g water)
Medium ("5" on Ditting 804)
Water Temp: 203-205 F
Author:Mike Nelson (he/him)

15 grams coffee, El Jardin, owned by Jorge Rojas in Tolima, Colombia, washed anaerobic on medium grind ("5" on Ditting 804)
Conical filter
Gooseneck kettle
Scale with Timer
Demitasse spoon for stirring
Glass decanter/mug (to brew into)Timer
Small Origami Dripper
Pre-wet filter with 50-100g water. This will simultaneously rinse the filter free of fibers and heat the dripper.
Grind 15g of coffee (ground on a "5" on a scale of 1-9, where 1 is finest and 9 is coarsest) and dose into rinsed filter. Make sure you discard the filter rinse water if you're pouring over a glass decanter. Tare your scale to zero.
Start your pour and timer at the same time. Add 30g of 203-205 degree Fahrenheit water to the coffee bed and gently stir the "bloom" for a few seconds so that all of the grounds are saturated. Wait 45 seconds before starting the next pour.
At 45 seconds, start your next pour. Add 120g of water by 1:15 minutes, which will be a total of 150g of water. Pour your water in quarter sized circles, making sure your stream of water is practically straight up and down.
At 1:15 minutes, with a total of 150g of water, wait until the water drains from the coffee bed. It should take 20-30 seconds.
After the water has drained, which will likely be at the 1:45 minute mark, start your last pour. Add 100g of water by 2:15 minutes so that your final water weight is 250g. It will take 30-45 seconds for your water to completely drain out, which will put you at a 2:45-3:00 minute total brew time.
Recipe Note
All coffees brew differently. One golden coffee recipe might over extract some coffees and under extract others. This coffee is very dense, and we were able to get an ideal extraction with this grind setting. So if there are any extraction issues they would most likely be related to over extraction of less dense coffees. If your coffee over extracts (think bitterness!), coarsen your grind!