POMA values innovation in processing methods, but POMA also believes in allowing the true essence of coffee to shine through without fermentation. That's why they have developed a unique processing method called the 'Cold Washed Process.' This method respects the tradition of the washed process while embracing innovation.
The Cold Washed Process is designed to preserve and enhance the natural qualities of coffee while minimizing external influence. This method involves chilling coffee cherries for 48 hours at 8°C to intensify aromas without inducing fermentation, followed by low-temperature washing and drying in a pressurized tumble dryer.
Unlike traditional fermentation-based methods, the Cold Washed Process focuses on purity, with no additives, yeast, or bacteria involved. This results in minimal degradation of inherent aroma compounds and better retention of free amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, and oils, which act as precursors for aroma during drying and roasting.
GC-MS analysis shows that Cold Washed coffees retain over 90% of their unique aroma compounds, compared to 84% for washed coffees and 67% for naturally processed ones, while enhancing aroma intensity by 60-70%.
The absence of fermentation prevents microbial activity and oxidation that can degrade aroma compounds. While fermentation can add complexity and acidity, the Cold Washed Process emphasizes the coffee’s genetically inherent flavors, leading to a clean, crisp cup with heightened sweetness, characterized by fruity esters and floral terpenes.